Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Work of Love

3 in the morning and I'm only getting started. Hours and hours upon this mike and it wont ever be perfect. Always improvement, never digression. The headphones over my ears with my eyes closed makes the beat envelope my senses. The smooth elegance of the beat becomes a woman's beautiful sensual curves. My words become me. Now with one hand in hers and the other on her hip we start to slow dance. Being perfectly synced with the beat can give any sensation depending on the story I'm telling. I freestyle all day everyday so my eyes and ears will see our would through rhymes so i have the capability to tell any story i choose. A beats base turn to rocks. My words turn to the ocean and flow around each bolder perfectly.

This beat is seriously beautiful and has endless possibility's of story's that could be told over it. Its tone and mood could really bring any combination of emotions out of someone.

1 comment:

  1. Cullen: My favorite image is; Hours and hours upon this mike and it won’t ever be perfect. David P.
